MARIE, an Interreg Europe project, is inviting everyone to its Final Conference.
The Conference will cover various cases of applying territorial RRI in a regional context. In total, 6 regional cases will be presented in the framework of the project (Tampere, Southern Ireland, Attica, Bucharest-Ilfov, Galicia, and Romagna), alongside an overview of the OECD report for the MARIE project.
RRI2SCALE is also invited to present the project’s own experiences in applying territorial RRI. In particular, practice-based tips for a successful implementation of the SES Games will be presented by Maya van den Berg from Twente University. Moreover, professor Anne Dijkstra from Twente University will talk about cross-regional collaboration for better management of innovation.
The Conference will be concluded with a final round-up of future collaborations and discuss any future opportunities for collaboration/follow-ups to MARIE.