A Gender Equality plan is a set of actions for identification of gender bias, implementing procedures to correct them and setting measurable indicators for monitoring the progress.
The event is organised by WBC-RRI.NET, an international project funded by Horizon2020 programme that aims to embed Responsible Research and Innovation in Western Balkan Countries and to enhance Self-Sustaining R&I Ecosystems. It emphasises the importance of gender dimensions in research and innovation and also aims to establish a working group on the development of Gender Equality Plans. The workshop is implemented in two sessions:
Part 1 “Information Session” – 45 min of a very dense public event with presentations (webinar style)
Part 2 “Working Group” – another 45 minutes – more informal and not recorded, focusing on an exchange of experiences, challenges, getting to know each other, establishing a “working group” / community of practice (as a start of a series of further meetings of this community) focusing on the identification of key challenges.

- This event has passed.